Snoring Terms | Obstructive Sleep Apnea | Hypertension

Snoring Terms Worth Learning

If you or your partner is trying to slug your way through the world of snoring there are many terms that you will find puzzling or unclear.

These will comprise those that explain the snoring experience as well as the appliances, devices and remedies available to conquer snoring.

It’s always better to know what things mean before you explore them. So, the following are an explanation of snoring terms and their meanings.

APGAR – It’s the rating system to determine how well a baby is doing at birth. It stands for appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration.

Apnea – Means not breathing.

Aromatherapy – Is the use of scented essential oils that are collected from plant materials. These materials can include any part of the plant from the flowers to the bark. These essential oils are then used to improve problems related to health and wellbeing.

CPAP – This stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and is used at night to keep the airway open all night using a continuous flow of oxygen.

Deviated Septum – The nasal septum is the piece in your nose that divides the two sides. A deviated or deformed septum can block the airflow

Homeopathic Remedies – Those remedies are made with all natural byproducts designed to put into the body that which causes similar symptoms and in that way fix the symptoms.

Hypertension – Elevated blood pressure.

Hypopnea – Unlike apnea with means to stop breathing, this means to stop breathing but only partially so.

MAA – This stands for Mandible Advancement Appliance. It repositions the jaw to allow for the air passages to open.

MDR – Mandibular Repositioning Device is a mouthpiece to move the jaw forward to prevent obstruction of the airway.

Nasal Strips – These devices are used to widen the nasal and so open the airways for a better flow.

OSA – This term stands for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It is a serious breathing disorder two symptoms of which are snoring and stopping breathing during sleep.

Palatal Restoration – This process inserts something small into the palate to stiffen and lessen the vibration that ultimately leads to snoring.

Palate – This is the roof of a person’s mouth.

Polysomnogram – This process is used to monitor a person’s sleep patterns when attempting to diagnose sleep disorders.

Radio Frequency Ablation - Also known as Somnoplasty, it is a procedure made to shrink excess tissue in the soft palate by heating the tissue and scarring it to make it stiffer. This is for lessening the vibration that makes a person snore.

Somnoplasty – This procedure removes tissue by the use of radiofrequency signals.

TRD – It means Tongue Retraining Device and is used to retrain the tongue to sit in a position that will not continuously slip back and block the airway.

Uvula – It’s the piece of skin that hangs in the back of the throat which, when it vibrates, contributes to snoring.

This is a general overview of many key words or phrases that you may hear when exploring a snoring problem for you, your partner or your child.

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