Snoring Surgery | Laser Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty| Radio Frequency Tissue Ablation

Snoring Surgery

When snoring problems are too much for the usual, commonly used snoring remedies, it may be the right idea to undergo a surgical procedure to correct the problem.

There are many different types of snoring surgery, and people need certain surgeries based on the make-up of their body.

Otolaryngologist is the proper type of surgeon to consult for this type of snoring surgery. These doctors work with specialization in issues concerning the ears, nose, and throat.

Since snoring surgeries are billed as a cosmetic process, they are rarely covered by insurance and can be quite costly. Most of the surgical procedures related to snoring are performed in a physician’s office, most commonly under a local anesthetic.

Snoring Surgery - Laser Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty [LAUP]

Laser assisted uvulopalatoplasty, commonly referred to as a LAUP one of the most common surgeries for snoring. This is a modification of another procedure known as Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, or UPPP, which is also occasionally performed.

The surgeon uses a laser to cut away the uvula which is the dangling tissue that is found in the back of the roof of the mouth in a LAUP procedure. This procedure generally fixes snoring for those whose airway obstruction was caused by their uvula.

Snoring Surgery - Coblation Channeling

Coblation Channeling is another tissue ablation procedure was approved for use with snoring. This method uses the energy of radio frequencies to reduce in size tissue in the airway that is obstructive. It can also fully remove tissue if this is needed. However, even less data has been published about this procedure.

Snoring Surgery - Tongue Suspension

The tongue suspension procedure is a surgery that was approved by the FDA in 1998. Under the trade name Repose, this snoring surgery involves keeping the person's tongue from falling back over the airway during periods of sleep.

By inserting a small screw into the lower jaw bone and placing stitches below the tongue, this snoring surgery is done. This procedure is usually performed in line with other procedures, and little clinical data has been published for this surgery.

Snoring Surgery - Radio Frequency Tissue Ablation [RFTA]

Radio frequency tissue ablation, or RFTA is another snoring surgery technique used. Done under the trade name Somnoplasty, and only just very recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1998, RFTA is performed to minimize the uvula.

More than one session of this snoring surgery may need to be performed. Since this type of treatment has been approved so recently, not too much published data on it is currently available.

Snoring Surgery - Nasal Deviation Surgery

Last, but not least, is nasal deviation surgery. Obstructions in the nose or a deviated septum can be the cause of a restricted airway which may be leading to snoring.

These surgeries can also help to improve breathing during the day, and for that reason, are often covered by insurance policies. Surgeries are also sometimes used that help to fix the jaw line, stopping snoring problems.

As with any surgery, you need to seriously consider your options when facing these circumstances. Surgeries are a radical process and choosing the right doctor is an important step. Be sure you heavily research both the snoring surgery you are expected to undergo as well as finding out about the doctor.

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