Snoring Remedies | Self Snoring Cure | Snoring Preventions | Stop Snoring

Snoring Remedies

Snoring remedies will help you to stop snoring. People who suffer mild or occasional snoring, who wake up feeling refreshed, and function well during the day may first try the following behavioral snoring remedies, before consulting their doctor.

Snoring Remedies

  • If you're overweight, lose weight. Being overweight is the most common cause of snoring. Flabby throat tissues are more likely to vibrate as you breathe.
  • Limit or avoid alcohol and sedatives.Sedatives and hypnotics (sleeping pills) and alcohol depress your central nervous system, causing excessive relaxation of muscles, including the tissues in your throat. In addition, they can increase the duration of stoppages of breathing by blunting the brain's ability to arouse from sleep and restart breathing.
  • Sleep on your side. Lying on your back allows your tongue to fall backward into your throat, narrowing your airway and partially obstructing airflow.
  • Treat nasal congestion or obstruction. Allergies or the partition between your nostrils being crooked (deviated septum) can limit airflow through your nose. This forces you to breathe through your mouth, increasing the likelihood of snoring. Use an oral or spray decongestant for no more than three days in a row for acute congestion. Ask your doctor about a prescription steroid spray if you have chronic congestion. Adhesive strips applied to your nose widen nasal passages and may help reduce congestion or obstruction. To correct a deviated septum, you may need surgery.

Stop Snoring Tips:

The following tips may give you relief with your snoring problems.

  1. Avoid dairy products, which can cause mucus build-up right before you go to sleep.
  2. Try taking in a little bit of honey before sleeping.
  3. Avoid eating "rich" foods such as cookies, cakes, chocolate and pizza.
  4. Avoid heavy meals before going to bed because if your stomach is full it will push up on your diaphragm and limit breathing passage ways.
  5. Sleep on a firmer pillow, a pillow which is too soft encourages your throat muscles to relax and narrows your air passageway.
  6. Inhale steam before sleeping, it will reduce blocking and moisturize the throat.
  7. Use nasal strips and put them on before going to sleep. Nasal strips will open up your nostrils and allow more air to come in, thus reduce snoring.


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