Sleep Position | Sleep During Pregnancy | Baby Sleep Position

Sleep Position

Every one does not achieve the comfort sleep position in your bed at home.

Your sleep positions give clues about your personality. What is your favorite sleep position?

There is no best possible position for sleeping. Many people change their position many times during sleep, although they may not realize it. Elderly people, who are bedridden, develop bedsores if they stay in the same position too long.

Sleep during pregnancy:

Although there is no harm in sleeping on your right side, lying on left side is good for you and your baby. Lying on left side improves the flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta and also helps your kidneys efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body. It in turn reduces swelling in your feet, ankles and hands.

Avoid sleeping on your back during second half of pregnancy. It puts the full weight of your uterus on your spine, intestines, back muscles and inferior vena cava. Sleeping on back also puts risks for backaches and hemorrhoids, inefficient digestion and impaired breathing and circulation. Lying on your back also changes your blood pressure in second and third trimester.

Different types of sleep positions:

Fetus sleep position:

If you are sleeping in fetus sleep position, you are described as tough from outside but sensitive at heart. You will be shy when you first meet somebody, but soon relax. This is the most adopted sleep position.

Log sleep position:

This sleep position involves lying on your side with both arms down by your side. These are easy going, social people who like to be part of the in-crowd and who trust strangers. These are gullible.

Yearner sleep position:

If people are sleeping in yearner position, they sleep on their side with both arms out in front and are said to be having open nature, suspicious and cynical. They are slow to make up their minds. Once they take a decision, they are unlikely to change it.

Soldier sleep position:

In this sleep position, you lie on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. They are generally quiet and reserved. They don’t like argument, but set themselves and others high standards.

Freefall sleep position:

This position involves lying on your front with your hands around the pillow and your head turned to one side. These are often unreserved and rash, but don’t like criticism or extreme situations.

Starfish sleep position:

This position involves lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow. They make good friends because they are always ready to listen to others and offer help when necessary. They don’t like to be center of attention.

Baby sleep position:

Babies should sleep on their back up to six months of life. Sleeping on back reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Many infants die every year from SIDS. SIDS is the unexplained death of a healthy infant and it can be reduced by making the babies sleep on their back.

Each person should experiment with different sleep positions to determine which one is right for them. Switching sleep positions is an alternative way of correcting faulty sleep pattern.

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