Body Massage | Sleep Massage | Healing Massage | Benefits Of Massage

Body Massage

Body massage involves different types of touch, pressure or flowing movements applied to the skin and underlying tissues to release muscular tension and pain.

Body massage is often used to help babies sleep and it can also be used to treat sleep disorders in adults.

A person who has experienced massage will be aware of how relaxing the body massage will be. People fall into sleep during the session and benefits can last until bedtime.

Body massage affects your mind and body. It can be relaxing, eases the muscles and calms the mind. The stress can be relieved with the help of massage. The signs of stress are tense muscles and poor posture. Body massage allows you relax from tensed muscles.

Sleep massage:

Babies respond to sleep massage and become calmer and fall asleep. Pregnant women who finds difficult to fall asleep in third trimester, relax with body massage.

People who have back and joint pain have difficulty in sleeping. Body massage can ease the pain and make it easier to get rid off pain.

Body massage can be done in warm room and aromatherapy oils can be used that will help to relax. If you have massage in daytime, you will get a good night sleep.

You can also choose the oil like lavender which has relaxing properties. You can also use self massage like relaxing warm bath, followed by soothing massage of your body and face will leave you relaxed and calm.

Allow your body to cool down before going to sleep and try to incorporate light stretching and slow breathing before going to sleep.

Healing massage:

Healing massage is used to help people recover from diseases. Many athletes and sports people depend on massage to ease tiredness of muscles and to prevent injury. Body massage improves blood circulation and lymph flow.

Blood circulation improves and brings warmth and vitality to all parts of the body. It helps in reducing inflammation and ease joint pain. With body massage, muscles relax and can be stretched and flexibility improves.

Benefits of massage:

  • Body massage is a great way to reduce stress in you and it also helps in curing tension related headaches.
  • Massage is helpful in treating sleep problems that result from stress, pain, migraine headaches, muscle and joint stiffness.
  • Massage improves circulation which increases blood flow, bringing fresh oxygen to body tissues. This eliminates waste products and improves recovery from disease.
  • It is helpful in decreasing blood pressure in people with blood pressure.
  • Body massage provides greater joint flexibility and range of motion. It relieves muscle stiffness.
  • It stimulates the digestive system and activates the urinary system.

Massage is not suitable if you have broken, damaged, swollen, bruised, infected skin, burns, wounds or cuts. If someone has suspected broken bones, it is advised not to use massage.

Before massaging babies, pregnant women, older people, people with cancer, diabetes or other serious diseases, special care should be taken. If body massage is painful, tell the practitioner to stop as he may not be doing in correct way.

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