Sleepstrip | Working Of Sleepstrip | Advantages Of Sleepstrip


Eighty percent of sleep apnea patients are undiagnosed.

Sleep apnea is usually diagnosed with polysomnography, which is lengthy and costly and often delay people in diagnosing and treating the condition.

A new device called sleepstrip is used for screening sleep apnea. It is low cost and effective screening device.

Sleepstrip is a one channel sleep lab that can be worn overnight in the comfort giving a simple 1 to 3 result the following morning and correlating to within 98% of polysomnography.

The sleepstrip device works by detecting breathing patterns as you sleep. It is worn like a band aid under your nose. Put it before going to bed. When you wake up, test is complete.

Sleepstrip is a disposable sleep apnea screener. It is designed to help the medical practitioner screen patients for sleep apnea syndrome.

Sleepstrip is a one channel sleep lab which consists of acquisition, signal detection, analysis and display in one easy to use disposable package.

Single use sensors in sleepstrip provide easiest and most advanced method for accurate screening of sleep apnea.

It is an all in one system with no additional equipment or components. Results can be read directly from built-in display the morning after the study.

Working of sleepstrip:

Patient’s respiration is monitored throughout the night with three miniature flow sensors. There is a CPU integrated in the device which analyzes respiration patterns to detect and count each apnea and hypopnea event as it occurs.

After the study, the severity of sleep apnea is calculated based on apnea hypopnea index in the morning. It is displayed on electrochemical display permanently.

Results of sleepstrip:

If there are less than fifteen events per hour, there is no sleep apnea. If there are 15 to 24 events per hour, there is mild sleep apnea. If there are 25 to 39 events per hour, there is moderate sleep apnea.

If there are 40 or more events per hour, there is severe sleep apnea. If there are other problems or study is too short, then there will be an error.

Sleepstrip accuracy is measured by

  • Correlation, which gives a rough estimate of accuracy.
  • Specificity, which indicates the total number of negative patients correctly diagnosed by sleep strip.
  • Sensitivity, which indicates the total number of positive patients correctly diagnosed by this device.

Depending on apnea hypopnea index, sensitivity and specificity change. Apnea hypopnea index is defined as the threshold of positive indication. Sensitivity improves for higher threshold values, that is for more severe patients.

An apnea event is counted when respiration amplitude drops to below 12% of the average for more than ten seconds.

Hypopnea event is counted if respiration amplitude drops to less than fifty percent, but more than 12%, of the average for more than ten seconds. Apneas and hypopneas are counted for the duration of the study.

Advantages of sleepstrip:

    • You can use this device at home
    • It is a low cost, disposable, small and light weight device
    • It is accurate
    • The results are permanent with no additional equipment

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