CPAP | Continuous Positive Airway Pressure | CPAP Treatment | CPAP Machine Mask

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

CPAP is an acronym for continuous positive airway pressure.

CPAP is the most common efficient sleep apnea treatment.

Snoring and sleep apnea are problems with breathing that take place during sleep. During sleep the airway in your throat can become very relaxed and obstruct with your breathing.

As the air can’t get past the obstruction, you snore or you choke. This keeps waking you up and destroys your quality sleep. By increasing the air pressure in your airway, CPAP treatment keeps your airway from becoming blocked or obstructed.

CPAP is a treatment in which the patient wears a mask over the nose and/or mouth. An air blower forces air through the upper airway.

The air pressure is adjusted so that it is just enough to prevent the upper airway tissues from collapsing during sleep but when CPAP is stopped or it is used improperly apnea episodes return.

The major drawback of CPAP is that about 40 percent of patients have difficulty using it for long periods of time. Irritation and drying in the nose occur in some patients. Facial skin irritation, abdominal bloating, sore eves, mask leaks, and headaches are some of the other problems.

The search goes on for more comfortable devices as many patients stop using nasal CPAP due to the uneasiness arising from exhaling against positive pressure. Modifications of CPAP in the treatment of sleep apnea are currently ongoing.

CPAP Treatment

This is an extensively used, successful for obstructive sleep apnea treatment. It consists of a machine connected to the patient via a hose and nasal mask. Every night the patient sleeps with the CPAP machine.

The machine is programmed to deliver a specific air pressure for that patient as determined by the titration study. The constant stream of air "splints" the throat and keeps it from collapsing and obstructing airflow.

It prevents the apneic events and snoring associated with obstructive sleep apnea and ensures that the patient reaches the deeper stages (stage 4 and REM) of sleep that result in a restorative night's rest.

Dealing With CPAP Machine Mask

Basically, the cpap machine mask is breathing mask that transports oxygen or air from the component itself to the body in a constant, uninterrupted stream. The mask is similar to a breathing mask worn by patients in a hospital in many cases.

The great thing about the cpap machine mask is that it is a completely non-invasive way to improve breathing function. However, despite this benefit, there are other disadvantages or problems with the cpap machine mask that sometimes make cpap therapy hard to uphold for extended periods of time.

For making the CPAP machine mask more comfortable to wear, there are a few options to deal with the cpap machine mask. A variety of different chin and head straps are available that can help secure the mask and prevent movement.

There are also different types of masks, some of which may be more comfortable than the usual one. One such example is the Breeze cpap, which attaches at the nostrils only instead of covering the nose and mouth.

If you are having troubles with the cpap machine mask, try investigating other options to see if one of those works better for you.

Problems And Solutions With CPAP:

Many people face troubles with their CPAP device, especially at first. Don't give up. Often, when you get used to wearing the device the troubles go away. The following are some common problems you may have with your CPAP device, and some possible solutions:

  • You may not like the pressure. You may find that breathing out against the air pressure keeps you from sleeping deeply. Your doctor may ask you to use a bi-level machine that lowers the air pressure when you breathe out. The same mask may be used with CPAP and bi-level machines.
  • The mask feels inconvenient. Because everyone's face has a different shape, you may need to try different masks to find one that fits you well.
  • The mask leaks air. Some people can't keep their jaw closed while wearing the mask. Be sure the mask or nasal prongs fit you properly as to stop the leakage of air around the mask.
  • Your nose feels blocked up. Some people who have sleep apnea also have nose problems. Ask your doctor if you have a nose problem that can be treated with a nasal spray. Surgery is sometimes also an option. People who breathe through their mouths don't do as well with CPAP nose masks. A full-face mask that covers both the nose and the mouth may help these people.
  • You take the mask off during your sleep or don't wear it every night. Most people can't wear the mask all night long, every night, right from the start. Keep trying, even if you can only use the mask for an hour a night at first. Once you solve your comfort problems, you should be able to increase the time you wear the mask.
  • Your nose feels dry and stuffy. You can try using a humidifier to moisten the air from the CPAP machine.


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