Sleep Disorders Glossary C

Sleep Disorders Glossary - C

Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac Arrest is sudden cessation of heartbeat and cardiac function, resulting in the loss of effective circulation.


Cardiovascular is relating to, or involving the heart and the blood vessels .


Cataplexy is the sudden muscle weakness associated with narcolepsy. It is a temporary decrease or complete loss of muscle control triggered by an emotional response that is often seen in narcoleptics.

It is often triggered by emotional stimulus such as anger, surprise, laughter, and exhilaration. Cataplexy is a symptom of narcolepsy, a neurologic disorder that causes excessive sleepiness.

Central nervous system

Central nervous system is also called the CNS. It is the portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord, which are responsible for the coordination of all motor and mental activities.

Central sleep apnea

Central sleep apnea is a sleep disorder is the episodes of non-respiration during sleep for 10 second or longer that is caused by the brain failing to signal the respiratory muscles to breathe.

Cerebral Cortex

Cerebral Cortex is the extensive outer layer of gray matter of the cerebral hemispheres, largely responsible for higher brain functions, including sensation, voluntary muscle movement, thought, reasoning, and memory.

Chronic insomnia

Chronic insomnia is regular sleeplessness that persists for more than three weeks and is persistent without treatment.


Chronobiology is a field of science that examines periodic (cyclic) phenomena in living organisms. "Chrono" pertains to time and "biology" pertains to the study, or science, of life.


Chronotherapy is a treatment of a sleep disorder by changing sleeping and waking times in an attempt to reset the patient's biological clock.


Circadian is relating to biological processes occurring at 24-hour intervals pertains to noun.

Circadian Rhythms

Circadian rhythms are sleep disorders are disruptions of the natural biological cycles that control how people are attuned to night and day. The term circadian comes from Latin words that literally mean around the day.


Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder that involves the fear of enclosed or confined spaces. Claustrophobic may suffer from panic attacks, or fear of having a panic attack, in situations such as being in elevators, trains or aircraft.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is a psychological therapy, which focuses on changing attitudes and beliefs related to sleep and insomnia. It is one of several effective ways of treating depression in cancer patients.

CBT helps patient

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