Sleep Disorders Diagnosis | CPAP | Polysomnogram | Sleep Disorder

Sleep Disorders - Diagnosis

Sleep disorders diagnosis is done based on a number of factors including your

  • Age and gender
  • Psychological history
  • Description of symptoms
  • Family member or partner’s observation of disruptive sleep patterns
  • Medical history

Sleep disorders diagnosis is done with Polysomnogram. A sleep study or polysomnogram (PSG) is a multiple-component test that electronically transmits and records specific physical activities while you sleep.

The recordings become data that are analyzed by a qualified sleep specialist to determine whether or not you have a sleep disorder.

There are four kinds of polysomnographic studies used for diagnosis of sleep disorders, including:

  • Diagnostic Overnight PSG: General monitoring of sleep architecture (for example, the amount of Non-REM and REM sleep, number of arousals, etc.) and a variety of body functions during sleep, including breathing patterns, heart rhythms and limb movements.
  • Diagnostic daytime multiple sleep latency test (MSLT): This sleep disorders test measures how long it takes for you to fall asleep during the day. Sleep specialists will observe your sleep patterns
  • Split-night PSG with CPAP titration: Split night PSG is conducted when moderate or severe sleep apnea has been discovered or strongly suspected during the first part of the nights study. The second half of the night is used to determine the necessary CPAP pressure required to alleviate apnea.
  • Two-night evaluation PSG and CPAP titration: CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) is a sleep apnea treatment that involves the delivery of air into the airways through a specially designed nasal mask. On the first night of the two-night protocol, general monitoring and diagnostic evaluation is conducted. If sleep apnea is discovered, the patient returns for a second night to determine the necessary CPAP pressure required to alleviate apnea.


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