Restless Leg Syndrom | Self care for Restless Leg Syndrom

Restless Leg Syndrom Self care

Restless leg syndrom often can be at least partly prevented by developing healthy sleep habits.

  • Massage the calf and legs regularly.
  • Stretch your legs at the beginning and end of each day.
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule since fatigue may worsen symptoms.
  • Exercise. Some people with restless leg syndrom find that running in place for a short period of time alleviates the symptoms of restless leg syndrom.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
  • Wrap legs in ace bandages or wear compression stockings or tight pantyhose during daytime.
  • Take a warm bath or soak feet in hot water or use heating pad or cold compresses during night time for getting relief from RLS.
  • To initiate sleep, lie on a side with pillow between knees.
  • Take medications as directed by the doctor.

If your symptoms of restless leg syndrom are so severe that exercising or stretching the legs becomes painful, it is best for you to consult your doctor for alternative methods to control your symptoms of restless leg syndrom.


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