Baby Sleep Problems | Baby Crib Safety Tips

Baby Sleep Problems

Baby Sleep Problem:

Baby sleep problems are very common. Almost all parents face some difficulties with their baby sleep pattern.

Babies up to eight months old may need night feeding. During these early months most babies wake for a feed and then go back to sleep, allowing the parent to go back to sleep. Babies over eight months do not need night feeding, except if the baby is sick or during a hot night.

Babies who are breast fed are more likely to wake at night than those bottle fed. Newborn babies usually sleep 14 to 20 hours a day, a three month old sleeps for about 15 hours and a one year old sleeps 13 to 14 hours usually at night. (Newborn Sleep)

There are many reasons why babies won't go to sleep. It could be sickness, pain, frustration, wet nappy, hungry, thirsty, tightly wrapped or some other cause.

To help your baby sleep, you could try swing the baby, playing some soft music, or giving the baby a massage or a relaxing bath. You can take the baby a drive in the car, or walk in the pram.

If your baby continues to cry & find it very difficult to settle the baby, seek advice from experienced persons, call your doctor or local early childhood health centre.

Baby Crib safety tips:

Baby crib safety tips to avoid baby sleep problems:

  1. Check your baby crib regularly for possible risks i.e., screws may need to be tightened regularly if they are loose.
  2. Check a new baby crib bedding cautiously, the surface must be even and fragment free.
  3. Baby cribs should be placed far away from dangers, such as windows, blind cords, electrical plugs, curtains, extension cords etc so the baby can't reach them.
  4. Use the original crib mattress & make sure that it fits properly. If you have to change the crib mattress, make sure that it is the same size as the original so there are no gaps and the mattress is tight against all four sides of the crib.
  5. Check the mattress regularly & make sure it is still in good condition. If it is soft or damaged in any area, it should be replaced.
  6. Remove quilts, pillows and comforters from baby’s crib as they can be dangerous.
  7. Remove if any sharp things are placed in baby’s crib.

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